script 2
LMS Sales Script Phone … After Booking Call My Script ReputationRevive SuiteCopyright 2004@Levelupmarketing servicesSCRIPTINTRODUCTION & RAPPORT // 00:00
Hey is this NAME?
Hey - It’s Kimberly Brown - how's it going?
Been having a good week so far?
Great well - I know we got a limited amount of time here so are you ready to jump in?
----- (if skeptical - is Now still a good time to connect?)
If they begin unloading / telling you their life story immediately…
Hey name, is it ok if I pause you real quick?
I really want to hear what you’re about to share with me, I just want to make sure we are as efficient & effective as possible on this call - is that cool with you?
Great so, before we dive back into what you were sharing… real quick — what is your intention for this call?
FRAME // 00:01
What’s your intention for this call?
I’m definitely prepared to share a little bit more about what we do and how we work.
Now, everything we do is all customized. So instead of going through a long laundry list of every little different thing we could do to help you and be on here for hours…
What’s probably going to be more appropriate is to first help me get some context on where you’re at with your
Business Reputationand what you’re trying to accomplish
then based on that I can share with you only the aspects of what we do which would be relevant and useful to you specifically.
Does that make sense?
Real quick… How did you find out about us?
If referral:
Who referred you?
So how are you connected with (referrer name)?
What did they share with you about us?
Why did they refer you to us?
If they start answering a different question:
“Hey name, I want to hear about that and I’m going to ask you more about that in just a minute, but right now, I’m just curious about (repeat question_________________________________________________________________________)?”
Great, so with that said… the best place to start is probably by asking, if you could change one thing about your business reputation, what would you change?
Anything else you’d change about your business reputation if you could?
(If they gave you multiple items - which they probably will)So out of the (problem: ___________________________________________________, problem: _____________________________________________, problem:_____________________________________________), which of those is the #1 thing that you’d change if you could?
(Alt) If you could only change ONE of those things, which would it be?
Why do you say that?
(We want to stay here until we know what the problem is. Once we find it, we put our shovel in the ground and start digging). You can also ask - aside from that, is there any other challenge or roadblock that’s in the way right now? To see if there’s anything additional before moving on…
If they haven’t given you an answer and you feel lost… you can suggest:
Top 5 things (if you need to suggest something):
Common complaint 1
Common complaint 2
Common complaint 3
Common complaint 4
Common complaint 5
If they’re still not opening up or giving vague answers, continue to prod, but give a reason (Doctor example)
My job is to help you get from where you are to where you want to go… the reason I’m asking is because - I’m sure you’ve heard - ‘Clarity is Power’ - and the more clear I am on where you’re at and what specifically you’re experiencing, the better I can help you get to where you want to go… make sense?
Great, so can you elaborate on _________…?
If they give you a big list of things / Ramble… Ask:
Anything else?
Anything else?
Anything else?
Until the list is exhausted…
Business Background Questions
All we are trying to get here is get this information:
Are they financially qualified?
Are they the decision maker / does anyone else need to be involved?
Gotcha, and - real quick - before we dig into the (#1 pain), give me a QUICK 10 second overview of your business just so I know what you do? (their elevator pitch)
Is it just you in the business?
Do you have a wife or partner involved?
What are you doing in monthly revenue right now?
How long have you had the business?
Gotcha and is that your only source of income?
What’s the wife / partner role?
How is the business structured?
The reason I’m asking this is because if I don’t know, it’s going to be really difficult to guide you…
Cool, I appreciate you sharing that…
Probing Questions
So you mentioned you want to (change this about your business reputation), tell me more, what do you mean by that?
What do you need my help with regarding (pain) specifically?
Why is that (pain) a problem though?
What is the BIGGEST “actual problem” the (pain) is causing for you right now?
What specifically are you putting off / procrastinating on in your life/business right now?
What specifically are you having a tough time focusing on in your life/business right now?
What specifically are you concerned about in your life/business right now?
So, what I’m hearing is… the (pain) is causing (the problem they said), is that what I’m hearing?
How is this (pain) impacting your (business, family, health, etc), specifically?
How has this (pain) impacted your (business, family, health, etc) in the past?
How else is this (pain) impacting your (business, family, health, etc)?
In the past?
So… to be clear, the (pain) hasn’t affected your (other areas of (business, family, health, etc) at all, whatsoever?
They’re all 100% perfect?MarketingSalesOutboundStructureCRMEmail AutomationTaxesAccountingTracking & Data
What other areas of your life is this (pain) affecting?
How about in the past?
How else is it impacting your life?
If nothing…
So… to be clear, the (pain) hasn’t affected your (other areas of life) at all, whatsoever?
They’re all 100% perfect?Personal lifeRelationship (how specifically is the (pain) affecting your relationship?)Finances (accounts structured properly? Savings, investment strategies, taxes)Health (eating everything you know you need to?)Fitness (working out consistently like you know you need to?)
Which of those is bothering you the most?
So… what I’m hearing is… this (pain: _________________) is causing
Thing, thing, thing, thing, thing…
Which is causing (thing, thing thing thing thing)
And that causes (undesired thing they said)
Is that what I’m hearing?
Is there anything else you’d add to that?
What would you rather experience instead of the (pain: _________________________________________)?
Chunking Questions
So let’s see if we can quantify this…
In the last 30 days, how many days did you feel as though you were at (Peak condition - 100% full steam focused, consistent, confident with your Business Reputation in every area of your business?)1-2
Got it, how about the month before?1-2Ok… so out of the last 60 days, we’ve had only a couple days where you’ve been operating at your best? Yea
Gotcha, so tell me about the other X days, walk me through what happens on a daily basis instead…(Pain: _____________, pain: _______________ pain: _______________)
On this (pain: _______________________________) - walk me through exactly how that comes up for you?
Why is that (pattern, behavior, situation) a problem specifically?
How exactly does this (pain:____________________________________________) manifest?
Is it constant - like 100% of the time, all the time?
Or Does something trigger it?
Or does it sometimes pop up out of nowhere?
Pause and let them answer…
Is that the only thing that triggers it?
In what way though?
Walk me through it, if you don’t mind
How exactly does that happen
What are you looking at or hearing?
What does it feel like exactly?
We don't move on here until…
We understand the full context of the situation and problem
We want them to RE-LIVE the problem in as much detail as humanly possible
Why that problem is a problem (impact and implications) and
We've assigned specific numbers to the problem (ex: revenue, how many days do they procrastinate)
Gotcha so it seems like the biggest thing is… (summarize problems: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________) is that what I’m hearing?
How long has this been going on, specifically?
How many years?
So… before (___ years), this was never an issue?
*If they try to cop out, ask them “so as a kid, you never experienced this ever? It was perfect back then?”
Yeah I did…
Gotcha, so it’s been going on since you were a kid?
And how old are you now if you don’t mind me asking?
So this has been going on for (___ years) on and off?
We want to stretch the pain here by assigning a specific timeframe to it.
This is key.
WIDEN THE GAP // 00:08
Here we’re going to deepen the pain a bit, and try to attach it to another area of their life (business + health, health + relationships, etc).
This is usually more important with non-ROI offers.
(___ years)… wow, I mean… has that had an impact on you personally?
(Aside from what you’ve already mentioned)... In what way though?
Has this impacted other areas of your life or business - aside from what you’ve already mentioned?
In what way though?
What’s the worst part about (unwanted problems: ________________________________________________________) for you?
Why do you say that?
(For business related offers)
Gotcha, just curious, you’re at income level now… if you didn’t have pain : ____________________________________for the last ___ years, what do you feel your income level would be at now?
So that’s a $___,_____ per month gap… is that right?
And how many more years do you plan on being in business?
So, if I’m going to do some quick math here... you mean to tell me that this pain: _______________________________________… it’s been costing you $___,___,___? Is that right?
and if you don’t get rid of it… it’s going to cost you at least another $___,___,___ over the next year…? Is that right?
and another $___,___,___ over the next ___ years? Did I do the math on that right?
---------- (optional) ---------
Given your (unwanted problem: ________________________________________________) for the past (x time), does that put you in a tough spot with your ____?Business?Income?Sales?Marketing?Delivery for your clients? Family?Happiness?Impact on the world?
I sense you might be frustrated by that… (statement:_______________________________________________________________________________________)
Does this impact your ______?Income?Sales?Marketing?Delivery for your clients? Family?Happiness?Impact on the world?
Like on a scale of 1-10… 1 being “I’m not satisfied at all” and 10 being feeling like you could command the universe, where do you feel like you’re at?
What does a “3” mean to you specifically?
Does this affect your ________? In what way though?
Can I ask you a personal question? Does this impact ________? In what way?
This is pretty simple. Here we are simply going to point out the timeframe and ask what’s been keeping them from figuring it out…
Doubt can also be created in the “understanding the problem” section by going deep into their problem, asking good questions, and chunking down… (probably even more effective)
And this has been going on for (___ time)…
Can I ask you an honest question? What do you think has been keeping you from figuring this out on your own?
What’s in the way?
Here we need to find out the following:
Are they shopping or talking to anyone else?
What have they tried in the past to fix this?
Have they tried anything similar to what we sell (i.e - coaching, consulting)
We’ll also need to dig into all of these respectively.
So what are you doing currently to fix this?
Are you currently actively shopping for solutions?
What are you considering?
Tell me about that (price?
Why that?)
What else are you considering?
Why that?)
Why haven’t you started with that yet?
What else are you doing?
What have you tried in the past to fix this?
If anything?
If unsure / no answer:
In the past, have you hired any coaches or anything like that? (for the (unwanted problems:____________________________________________) specifically, not a “lead gen” solution or some “how to” program)CoachesProcessesBooksCoursesTherapistsMedicationReligionSeminars
Before finding us, have you been out there looking for anything else that would give you what you’re wanting here?
Yes, I’ve tried something in the past and it’s similar to what you offer…
What was your experience with what you tried?
Did you like it?
What did you like about it? - sounds like that was a pretty cool program..
How much was the investment?
Is there anything you would’ve changed about it if you could though?
What else have you tried?
Sounds like you’ve put a lot of time, money and effort into this… what do you feel was missing that didn’t really get to the root of it?
Why do you feel it didn’t work as well as you’d hoped?
What was the difference between what was PROMISED to you, and what actually happened?
If you could go back in time, what do you WISH you would have asked that salesperson before hopping into that solution?
How was the result supposed to be delivered?
(was this a course?
Did other clients get results in that program?
Why do you think you didn’t?
What we’ve found is anytime you enroll into something and don’t get the results… it’s 1 of 2 things:
1 - The system taught was ineffective / out of date
2 - What we being taught was good - but there was a lot of difficulty taking very GENERAL information, and actually getting SUPPORT to implement it and execute it successfully for your specific situation
Which one of those two do you think it was?
Why do you say that?
In that program you tried, did you get 1-1 support?
In that program you tried, did you have a full roadmap of what to do every single day?
In that program you tried, did you have accountability to make sure you did it?
If you were able to find something that checked all of the boxes, what do you feel you’d need to be 100% certain that you’d get the results you’re looking for?
Here we want to get the ammo necessary to understand why this is important, why now, and really defeat the “think about it” objection. We should bring up the most emotion here. The key (as you’ll see) is using this frame: Permission → Context → Question
No, I’ve tried nothing...
Gotcha, can I ask you a personal question? So… you’ve been wanting to (get result: __________________________________________________________) for about (___ time) now and you’re finally reaching out to do something about it…I’m curious, but why all the sudden is this important now, though? Why not stay where you are?
Is there any other reason that this is important and you don’t want to stay where you’re at?
That makes sense. Can I ask you another question?
And, I really hate to ask this, but...
what’s your plan if nothing changes? If you’re still (having pain: __________________________________________) (___ years) from now?
Would that have an impact on you?
In what way?
Yeah but, why TODAY though?
Would still (having pain: ________________________________________________) (___ years) from now have an impact on your business?
In what way?
Would still (having pain: __________________________________________________________________) (___ years) from now have an impact on your income?
In what way?
Why is that important to you?
Would that impact your kids in any way?
(if they give an apathetic response) well whos decision is that?
Are you willing to settle for that?
Why not though?
(Last chance) if you’re willing to settle for where you’re at, how do you expect me to help you then?
I’ve tried everything...
Ok… So, can I ask you a personal question? After all of those things you’ve tried... after (spending six figures over 2 years… trying 5-7 different programs that didn’t work)… I mean, I’m curious - what keeps you going?
What is it about getting (things they want: _____________________________________________________________) that is so important to you?
Why now though?
How else would that impact you?
Is there any other reason that this is important?
You can temperature check this at multiple points throughout the call… but in a lot of cases, it works well when you’re talking about why this is so important (lots of time they bring up family, etc). But the best way to do support questions is when they naturally bring it up.
Real quick, name: ____________ - curious - are you married?
Do they know you’re on this call?
If no: is there a reason for that?
What would they think if they knew?
What does your spouse think about this (situation: ________________________________________________________)? (referencing the client's current situation)
Is there a reason they don’t know?
Are they supportive of you trying to fix (pain: ________________, pain: _____________________ & pain: __________________)?
Do they also know it’s a problem?
Are you guys on the same page?
Are they involved in your business?
What do they do?
Do they know about us Levelup Marketing Services?
Is there a reason you didn’t tell them?
Is there anything else I should know about (spouse/partner) that may be important?
If we were to move forward with something today, would he/she be involved in the decision at all?
If yes, proceed as usual to “Where do you want to go from here”
If no, proceed as usual
Depends on what exactly?
What do you mean?
I appreciate you sharing that…
DESIRE // 00:17
Whenever we’re covering goals we want to cover the following areas:
The “target” (a target with a numerical value assigned to it - i.e revenue)
The long term vision
How it affects other areas of their life (non-monetary, personal goals, etc)
So, you mentioned (pain: ____________________________________, pain: _______________________ & pain: ______________________) - but how would you rather be?
If you were to imagine the 2.0 version of your business, what does that look like?
How else? (repeat)
What would that do for you, personally?
How else would that affect you if you were (thing they said: _____________________________)?
Why is that important to you to be (that way: _________________________________________)?
So, why is that important for you now though?
So, name:____________, what actually happens if, 3, 6, 9, 12 months down the road… what happens then, if you don’t get this figured out now?
But when you say ___, what do you actually mean?
What actually happens though?
If they say they’ll ‘figure it out’: Can I tell you a quick story? One of my mentors, a 9-figure diamond retailer told me something that’s stuck with me ever since… He said, “You can only have success to the degree to which you are willing to explore failure…” so, what actually happens if you don’t get this solved?
We have to look at reality for what it truly is
Why is that a problem though? You’re already doing really well… worst case scenario, you’ll still be in the top 1% of the world… why is that a problem?
How is that going to make you feel in that situation?
What about your (important thing)?
What happens with that if you don’t get this solved?
Are you willing to settle for that?
Why not?
Why change?
Why not keep pushing this off? Because you could…
Why not just stay the way you are?
Do you feel like now is the time to make the change?
Why else?
So let’s just pretend (hypothetically speaking) we invite you in and help you (remove: pain: _____________________________________, pain: _____________________ & pain: _____________________) and then on top of that - we help you (get desire in their words: goal: _____________________________, goal: ______________________ & goal: ______________________)… like we have for hundreds of other (people) in your exact situation…
If you were to imagine yourself at that point - then - ultimately, what’s the goal?
And what’s your monetary goal?
You seem like you’ve thought of that number before… Can I ask, why that number?
And overall, what’s your long-term vision for your life and business?
Probing questions (again)
Now, can I ask a personal question?
And the reason why I’m asking is because my goal isn’t only to help you crush your business reputation- but also one that’s empowering you to live whatever lifestyle that you want to live - and feel happy and fulfilled while doing it.
So when you - think about that - what is that for you?
… what is it that you want?
what comes up?
What are the non-monetary goals - the personal goals - that you want your (desire in their words: __________________________________________________________) to allow you to achieve?
Why is that important? (Significant, relevant)
Ultimately, what would that do for you?
What does that mean for you specifically?
What else would you want to achieve?
What is the #1 most important thing for you to achieve?
Why is that #1?
Tell me a bit more about that…
So, to be clear, you want to (get to goal: ______________________________________________), right?
But, you’re telling me - the only thing standing in your way is this (roadblock: ___________________________________________)?
TIE DOWN DISCOVERY // 00:23Time CommitmentSo, real quick, name: ____________ - let's pretend for a moment you were to go ahead with a solution that would fix (thing they said: pain: __________________________________, pain: _______________________ & pain______________________)...
Usually for most of my clients to get to (desire in their words: goals: ______________________________), they typically need about (time commitment per week: ______). Would you be able to make that happen?
So, when would you do it, specifically?
Would it be a morning thing?
Or an evening thing?
Gotcha well I feel like we covered quite a bit of ground here…
Is there anything at all that you feel like we haven’t covered, that you feel like I need to know?
Is there anything else? Tell me…
Anything else?
Well, I can walk you through the exact process A-Z of how we’d get rid (pain: ___________________________) and get (desire: __________________________________________), but you tell me where you want to go…
That’d be great!
If wife/partner:
If you want me to walk you through it… you mentioned earlier that (wife/partner) would potentially be involved in any kind of decision making regarding a solution for (the pain: __________________________________)... what usually makes the most sense - if that's the case - is to have me walk you both through it together… Are they around right now?
If yes (or on follow up call), bring them on
What’s his/her name?
Hey (name), I was talking with your (partner/husband/wife) about some ( pain: __________________________) he/she was dealing with - were you aware of the call?
What did he/she share with you?
What do you know about me / us?
Are you aware that (name: _________________) is experiencing some ( pain: ____________________)?
Cool - are you in support of him/her solving that problem?
Great, so he/she mentioned that (summary of pains & goals: _______________________________________________________) - is there anything you feel - from your observation - that should be added to that?
(spouse name: __________________) - is that true for you?
Cool - he/she just mentioned that he/she wanted me to walk him/her through the process of how we get rid of (pain: _________________________________________________) and get (goal: ____________________________________________________) - and he/she mentioned that you may want to have a say in any decision to move forward with some kind of solution - so I figured it would make the most sense just to have you guys together for that… make sense?
Great, anything you’d like to say or ask before I share a bit about what we do?
If no…
Ok cool, so given that you mentioned your (wife/partner) would be involved if you decided to move forward with something with us… out of respect for both of you, what would probably make the most sense is to set up a quick follow up call with both of you guys together - what’s your availability like over the next day or so to reconnect for a few?
Schedule the call
Before I go, is there anything else I should know about (spouse/partner) before we chat next?
TIME CHECK // 00:26
So do you have a hard stop at any point here?
You’ll need at least 30 minutes to pitch, close, objection handle & onboard - if you and them have that time now, proceed to pitch… if not, reset and move the calendar invite
If second call:Reorient them to previous conversation…
So, did you have any thoughts or considerations since we last chatted?
You mentioned that (pains you talked about: _________________________________________________, important now, cost: ___________)... are my notes correct on that?
Is there anything else at all that you feel like we didn’t cover on our last call, that you feel like I need to know?
You mentioned you wanted me to walk you through the process of how we’d get rid of all that stuff, is that still what you’d like to do on this call?
PITCH // 00:26
Cool - so you’re going to want to grab a pen and paper - let me know when you have it…
—---- (optional ethical manipulation preframe) —-----
Great… So let me start by asking you…In your opinion, do you make better decisions drunk or sober?SoberGreat, and do you make better decisions when you’re frustrated or worried about things --- or when you’re feeling good about things?Feeling good
Exactly, so you might say, when you’re in one of those frustrated or worried states -- it’s kind of like being mentally drunk? Yep
Right, so if I gave you the absolute best “how-to” blueprints in the world, but you’re hammered drunk… would you be able to do anything with it?No
LMS pitchSee, the problem with the assumption that customers will automatically provide reviews without any proactive effort or Incentives is why old way doesn’t work… lack of motivation, busy schedules, attention span, incentivized engagement, social proof and credibility it’s like this analogy
The problem is, most small business owners thinks old belief and the assumption that customers will automatically provide reviews without any proactive effort or Incentives, but you’ve been trying that and you’re still struggling to get more positive reviews consistently.
So instead of the assumption that customers will automatically provide reviews without any proactive effort or Incentives, what we do is new way so you can why new way works… make sense?
make sense?
Phase 1 // 00:28And our first step to doing that is our first pillar - and you’ll want to write this down - Phase 1 name - charge inventory
The first step is called Phase 1 Name - Phase 1 Name
The first thing we’re going to do is (Big Idea / Result from Phase 1)
We do this by (what it is from phase 1) in a way that easily/quickly (avoids complaints or gets goals)
It’s the same (what it is from phase 1) I’ve used personally to (get phase 1 goal)
It’s also the same exact (what it is from phase 1) that all my clients use as well…
Once that’s done, you’ll have this (tangible result) so you can (get phase 1 goal)
Which will allow you to get one step closer to (Big Main Goal)
This way, you won’t have to (do old way) anymore and you won’t have to (feel unwanted feelings) anymore
Make sense?
What questions do you have on that point specifically before we move on to pillar #2?
Phase 2 // 00:30Which brings us to Pillar 2: write this down
The next step is called Phase 2 Name - Phase 2 Name
The next thing we’re going to do is (Big Idea / Result from Phase 2)
Because (Big Idea / Result from Phase 1) is one thing… but (Big Idea / Result from Phase 2) is vital if you want to get (big goal) and (secret desires)
We do this by (what it is from phase 2) in a way that easily/quickly (avoids complaints or gets goals)
It’s the same (what it is from phase 2) I’ve used personally to (get phase 2 goal)
It’s also the same exact (what it is from phase 2) that all my clients use as well…
Once that’s done, you’ll have this (tangible result) so you can (get phase 2 goal)
Which will allow you to get one step closer to (Big Main Goal)
This way, you won’t have to (do old way) anymore and you won’t have to (feel unwanted feelings) anymore
Make sense?
What questions do you have on that pillar specifically before we move on to pillar #3?
Phase 3 // 00:32The final step is called Phase 3 - write this down - Phase 3 Name
The next thing we’re going to do is (Big Idea / Result from Phase 3)
Because while (Big Idea / Result from Phase1 & 2) are vital… (Big Idea / Result from Phase 3) is vital if you want to get (big goal) and (secret desires) in (time frame)
We do this by (what it is from phase 3) in a way that easily/quickly (avoids complaints or gets goals)
It’s the exact same (what it is from phase 3) I’ve used personally to (get phase 3 goal)
It’s also the same exact (what it is from phase 3) that all my clients use as well…
Once that’s done, you’ll have this (tangible result) so you can (get phase 3 goal)
Which will allow you to finally get (Big Main Goal) in (time frame)
And remember, that’s all without (old way) and (feel unwanted feelings) anymore
Make sense?
Just curious but in terms of the process specifically… how do you feel?
Do you feel like these 4 steps specifically can help you eliminate pain and get goal?
Hold up… what makes you say that? What makes you so certain? (be skeptical)
(Certain answer + certain tonality = move on)
(Uncertain answer and/or uncertainty tonality = alignment bit)
I hear ya and just to be totally clear… what’s really important to me is ALIGNMENT - when you come in and work with us, we’re rolling up our sleeves and getting in the trenches with you on this thing. I mean our team is ALL IN - so it’s really important to us that you feel GOOD about the process, know what I mean?
So just to be 100% clear.. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being “definitely not what I need” and 10 being “exactly what I need”, where do you feel like you fall exactly?
(if 9-10 + certain language/tonality = move on)
Gotcha, why not a 5? Why a 10?
(if 8 or below = ask the following: “Gotcha man, and I appreciate you being honest about that… just curious, what exactly do you think is keeping you from say being a 8, 9, or 10?
(Then handle objection /// ask clarifying questions)
*You’re saying you’re a 10/10 but just (hearing in your voice) it seems like you’re a 1/10… is there a thought that you had?
What additional questions do you have?
(if necessary) Gotcha so you feel good, you have no questions… so what’s next?
Where do you feel like you wanna go from here?
In terms of how this is all fulfilled, everything is all customized.
So, once you enroll...
I’m going to do this…You’l get that…Then this is going to happen…You’ll get this type of support…Etc.
— Examples —
I’m going to send you your client agreement - once you sign that it’ll automatically enroll you in everything
You’ll get immediate access to the training platform, the software, tools & processes will be something you will have lifetime access to so that you can maintain your bulletproof state long term.
I’m then going to send you our onboarding form. This is the most important part of this process.
As soon as you fill that out and submit it, you’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll book your kickoff call with our head coach - he has gone through over 400 hours of training on our process - and he’ll take you through your charge list - you’ll refine it together and solidify your game plan.
From there, you clear your first charge and you’re off to the races!
We will also meet twice a week on zoom for a “ clinic” where we’ll really “cement everything in”.
You and our other 6, 7 & 8-figure students also share daily charges cleared, insights & wins inside our extremely active facebook community
And on top of that you’ll have 1o1 access to our head coach through direct message, so that we can coach you on the spot if you need help with anything.
Make sense?
What questions do you have on the deliverables, specifically?
Great, so what other questions do you have?
it’s just $X,000
Hey is this NAME?
Hey - It’s Kimberly Brown - how's it going?
Been having a good week so far?
Great well - I know we got a limited amount of time here so are you ready to jump in?
----- (if skeptical - is Now still a good time to connect?)
If they begin unloading / telling you their life story immediately…
Hey name, is it ok if I pause you real quick?
I really want to hear what you’re about to share with me, I just want to make sure we are as efficient & effective as possible on this call - is that cool with you?
Great so, before we dive back into what you were sharing… real quick — what is your intention for this call?
FRAME // 00:01
What’s your intention for this call?
I’m definitely prepared to share a little bit more about what we do and how we work.
Now, everything we do is all customized. So instead of going through a long laundry list of every little different thing we could do to help you and be on here for hours…
What’s probably going to be more appropriate is to first help me get some context on where you’re at with your
Business Reputationand what you’re trying to accomplish
then based on that I can share with you only the aspects of what we do which would be relevant and useful to you specifically.
Does that make sense?
Real quick… How did you find out about us?
If referral:
Who referred you?
So how are you connected with (referrer name)?
What did they share with you about us?
Why did they refer you to us?
If they start answering a different question:
“Hey name, I want to hear about that and I’m going to ask you more about that in just a minute, but right now, I’m just curious about (repeat question_________________________________________________________________________)?”
Great, so with that said… the best place to start is probably by asking, if you could change one thing about your business reputation, what would you change?
Anything else you’d change about your business reputation if you could?
(If they gave you multiple items - which they probably will)So out of the (problem: ___________________________________________________, problem: _____________________________________________, problem:_____________________________________________), which of those is the #1 thing that you’d change if you could?
(Alt) If you could only change ONE of those things, which would it be?
Why do you say that?
(We want to stay here until we know what the problem is. Once we find it, we put our shovel in the ground and start digging). You can also ask - aside from that, is there any other challenge or roadblock that’s in the way right now? To see if there’s anything additional before moving on…
If they haven’t given you an answer and you feel lost… you can suggest:
Top 5 things (if you need to suggest something):
Common complaint 1
Common complaint 2
Common complaint 3
Common complaint 4
Common complaint 5
If they’re still not opening up or giving vague answers, continue to prod, but give a reason (Doctor example)
My job is to help you get from where you are to where you want to go… the reason I’m asking is because - I’m sure you’ve heard - ‘Clarity is Power’ - and the more clear I am on where you’re at and what specifically you’re experiencing, the better I can help you get to where you want to go… make sense?
Great, so can you elaborate on _________…?
If they give you a big list of things / Ramble… Ask:
Anything else?
Anything else?
Anything else?
Until the list is exhausted…
Business Background Questions
All we are trying to get here is get this information:
Are they financially qualified?
Are they the decision maker / does anyone else need to be involved?
Gotcha, and - real quick - before we dig into the (#1 pain), give me a QUICK 10 second overview of your business just so I know what you do? (their elevator pitch)
Is it just you in the business?
Do you have a wife or partner involved?
What are you doing in monthly revenue right now?
How long have you had the business?
Gotcha and is that your only source of income?
What’s the wife / partner role?
How is the business structured?
The reason I’m asking this is because if I don’t know, it’s going to be really difficult to guide you…
Cool, I appreciate you sharing that…
Probing Questions
So you mentioned you want to (change this about your business reputation), tell me more, what do you mean by that?
What do you need my help with regarding (pain) specifically?
Why is that (pain) a problem though?
What is the BIGGEST “actual problem” the (pain) is causing for you right now?
What specifically are you putting off / procrastinating on in your life/business right now?
What specifically are you having a tough time focusing on in your life/business right now?
What specifically are you concerned about in your life/business right now?
So, what I’m hearing is… the (pain) is causing (the problem they said), is that what I’m hearing?
How is this (pain) impacting your (business, family, health, etc), specifically?
How has this (pain) impacted your (business, family, health, etc) in the past?
How else is this (pain) impacting your (business, family, health, etc)?
In the past?
So… to be clear, the (pain) hasn’t affected your (other areas of (business, family, health, etc) at all, whatsoever?
They’re all 100% perfect?MarketingSalesOutboundStructureCRMEmail AutomationTaxesAccountingTracking & Data
What other areas of your life is this (pain) affecting?
How about in the past?
How else is it impacting your life?
If nothing…
So… to be clear, the (pain) hasn’t affected your (other areas of life) at all, whatsoever?
They’re all 100% perfect?Personal lifeRelationship (how specifically is the (pain) affecting your relationship?)Finances (accounts structured properly? Savings, investment strategies, taxes)Health (eating everything you know you need to?)Fitness (working out consistently like you know you need to?)
Which of those is bothering you the most?
So… what I’m hearing is… this (pain: _________________) is causing
Thing, thing, thing, thing, thing…
Which is causing (thing, thing thing thing thing)
And that causes (undesired thing they said)
Is that what I’m hearing?
Is there anything else you’d add to that?
What would you rather experience instead of the (pain: _________________________________________)?
Chunking Questions
So let’s see if we can quantify this…
In the last 30 days, how many days did you feel as though you were at (Peak condition - 100% full steam focused, consistent, confident with your Business Reputation in every area of your business?)1-2
Got it, how about the month before?1-2Ok… so out of the last 60 days, we’ve had only a couple days where you’ve been operating at your best? Yea
Gotcha, so tell me about the other X days, walk me through what happens on a daily basis instead…(Pain: _____________, pain: _______________ pain: _______________)
On this (pain: _______________________________) - walk me through exactly how that comes up for you?
Why is that (pattern, behavior, situation) a problem specifically?
How exactly does this (pain:____________________________________________) manifest?
Is it constant - like 100% of the time, all the time?
Or Does something trigger it?
Or does it sometimes pop up out of nowhere?
Pause and let them answer…
Is that the only thing that triggers it?
In what way though?
Walk me through it, if you don’t mind
How exactly does that happen
What are you looking at or hearing?
What does it feel like exactly?
We don't move on here until…
We understand the full context of the situation and problem
We want them to RE-LIVE the problem in as much detail as humanly possible
Why that problem is a problem (impact and implications) and
We've assigned specific numbers to the problem (ex: revenue, how many days do they procrastinate)
Gotcha so it seems like the biggest thing is… (summarize problems: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________) is that what I’m hearing?
How long has this been going on, specifically?
How many years?
So… before (___ years), this was never an issue?
*If they try to cop out, ask them “so as a kid, you never experienced this ever? It was perfect back then?”
Yeah I did…
Gotcha, so it’s been going on since you were a kid?
And how old are you now if you don’t mind me asking?
So this has been going on for (___ years) on and off?
We want to stretch the pain here by assigning a specific timeframe to it.
This is key.
WIDEN THE GAP // 00:08
Here we’re going to deepen the pain a bit, and try to attach it to another area of their life (business + health, health + relationships, etc).
This is usually more important with non-ROI offers.
(___ years)… wow, I mean… has that had an impact on you personally?
(Aside from what you’ve already mentioned)... In what way though?
Has this impacted other areas of your life or business - aside from what you’ve already mentioned?
In what way though?
What’s the worst part about (unwanted problems: ________________________________________________________) for you?
Why do you say that?
(For business related offers)
Gotcha, just curious, you’re at income level now… if you didn’t have pain : ____________________________________for the last ___ years, what do you feel your income level would be at now?
So that’s a $___,_____ per month gap… is that right?
And how many more years do you plan on being in business?
So, if I’m going to do some quick math here... you mean to tell me that this pain: _______________________________________… it’s been costing you $___,___,___? Is that right?
and if you don’t get rid of it… it’s going to cost you at least another $___,___,___ over the next year…? Is that right?
and another $___,___,___ over the next ___ years? Did I do the math on that right?
---------- (optional) ---------
Given your (unwanted problem: ________________________________________________) for the past (x time), does that put you in a tough spot with your ____?Business?Income?Sales?Marketing?Delivery for your clients? Family?Happiness?Impact on the world?
I sense you might be frustrated by that… (statement:_______________________________________________________________________________________)
Does this impact your ______?Income?Sales?Marketing?Delivery for your clients? Family?Happiness?Impact on the world?
Like on a scale of 1-10… 1 being “I’m not satisfied at all” and 10 being feeling like you could command the universe, where do you feel like you’re at?
What does a “3” mean to you specifically?
Does this affect your ________? In what way though?
Can I ask you a personal question? Does this impact ________? In what way?
This is pretty simple. Here we are simply going to point out the timeframe and ask what’s been keeping them from figuring it out…
Doubt can also be created in the “understanding the problem” section by going deep into their problem, asking good questions, and chunking down… (probably even more effective)
And this has been going on for (___ time)…
Can I ask you an honest question? What do you think has been keeping you from figuring this out on your own?
What’s in the way?
Here we need to find out the following:
Are they shopping or talking to anyone else?
What have they tried in the past to fix this?
Have they tried anything similar to what we sell (i.e - coaching, consulting)
We’ll also need to dig into all of these respectively.
So what are you doing currently to fix this?
Are you currently actively shopping for solutions?
What are you considering?
Tell me about that (price?
Why that?)
What else are you considering?
Why that?)
Why haven’t you started with that yet?
What else are you doing?
What have you tried in the past to fix this?
If anything?
If unsure / no answer:
In the past, have you hired any coaches or anything like that? (for the (unwanted problems:____________________________________________) specifically, not a “lead gen” solution or some “how to” program)CoachesProcessesBooksCoursesTherapistsMedicationReligionSeminars
Before finding us, have you been out there looking for anything else that would give you what you’re wanting here?
Yes, I’ve tried something in the past and it’s similar to what you offer…
What was your experience with what you tried?
Did you like it?
What did you like about it? - sounds like that was a pretty cool program..
How much was the investment?
Is there anything you would’ve changed about it if you could though?
What else have you tried?
Sounds like you’ve put a lot of time, money and effort into this… what do you feel was missing that didn’t really get to the root of it?
Why do you feel it didn’t work as well as you’d hoped?
What was the difference between what was PROMISED to you, and what actually happened?
If you could go back in time, what do you WISH you would have asked that salesperson before hopping into that solution?
How was the result supposed to be delivered?
(was this a course?
Did other clients get results in that program?
Why do you think you didn’t?
What we’ve found is anytime you enroll into something and don’t get the results… it’s 1 of 2 things:
1 - The system taught was ineffective / out of date
2 - What we being taught was good - but there was a lot of difficulty taking very GENERAL information, and actually getting SUPPORT to implement it and execute it successfully for your specific situation
Which one of those two do you think it was?
Why do you say that?
In that program you tried, did you get 1-1 support?
In that program you tried, did you have a full roadmap of what to do every single day?
In that program you tried, did you have accountability to make sure you did it?
If you were able to find something that checked all of the boxes, what do you feel you’d need to be 100% certain that you’d get the results you’re looking for?
Here we want to get the ammo necessary to understand why this is important, why now, and really defeat the “think about it” objection. We should bring up the most emotion here. The key (as you’ll see) is using this frame: Permission → Context → Question
No, I’ve tried nothing...
Gotcha, can I ask you a personal question? So… you’ve been wanting to (get result: __________________________________________________________) for about (___ time) now and you’re finally reaching out to do something about it…I’m curious, but why all the sudden is this important now, though? Why not stay where you are?
Is there any other reason that this is important and you don’t want to stay where you’re at?
That makes sense. Can I ask you another question?
And, I really hate to ask this, but...
what’s your plan if nothing changes? If you’re still (having pain: __________________________________________) (___ years) from now?
Would that have an impact on you?
In what way?
Yeah but, why TODAY though?
Would still (having pain: ________________________________________________) (___ years) from now have an impact on your business?
In what way?
Would still (having pain: __________________________________________________________________) (___ years) from now have an impact on your income?
In what way?
Why is that important to you?
Would that impact your kids in any way?
(if they give an apathetic response) well whos decision is that?
Are you willing to settle for that?
Why not though?
(Last chance) if you’re willing to settle for where you’re at, how do you expect me to help you then?
I’ve tried everything...
Ok… So, can I ask you a personal question? After all of those things you’ve tried... after (spending six figures over 2 years… trying 5-7 different programs that didn’t work)… I mean, I’m curious - what keeps you going?
What is it about getting (things they want: _____________________________________________________________) that is so important to you?
Why now though?
How else would that impact you?
Is there any other reason that this is important?
You can temperature check this at multiple points throughout the call… but in a lot of cases, it works well when you’re talking about why this is so important (lots of time they bring up family, etc). But the best way to do support questions is when they naturally bring it up.
Real quick, name: ____________ - curious - are you married?
Do they know you’re on this call?
If no: is there a reason for that?
What would they think if they knew?
What does your spouse think about this (situation: ________________________________________________________)? (referencing the client's current situation)
Is there a reason they don’t know?
Are they supportive of you trying to fix (pain: ________________, pain: _____________________ & pain: __________________)?
Do they also know it’s a problem?
Are you guys on the same page?
Are they involved in your business?
What do they do?
Do they know about us Levelup Marketing Services?
Is there a reason you didn’t tell them?
Is there anything else I should know about (spouse/partner) that may be important?
If we were to move forward with something today, would he/she be involved in the decision at all?
If yes, proceed as usual to “Where do you want to go from here”
If no, proceed as usual
Depends on what exactly?
What do you mean?
I appreciate you sharing that…
DESIRE // 00:17
Whenever we’re covering goals we want to cover the following areas:
The “target” (a target with a numerical value assigned to it - i.e revenue)
The long term vision
How it affects other areas of their life (non-monetary, personal goals, etc)
So, you mentioned (pain: ____________________________________, pain: _______________________ & pain: ______________________) - but how would you rather be?
If you were to imagine the 2.0 version of your business, what does that look like?
How else? (repeat)
What would that do for you, personally?
How else would that affect you if you were (thing they said: _____________________________)?
Why is that important to you to be (that way: _________________________________________)?
So, why is that important for you now though?
So, name:____________, what actually happens if, 3, 6, 9, 12 months down the road… what happens then, if you don’t get this figured out now?
But when you say ___, what do you actually mean?
What actually happens though?
If they say they’ll ‘figure it out’: Can I tell you a quick story? One of my mentors, a 9-figure diamond retailer told me something that’s stuck with me ever since… He said, “You can only have success to the degree to which you are willing to explore failure…” so, what actually happens if you don’t get this solved?
We have to look at reality for what it truly is
Why is that a problem though? You’re already doing really well… worst case scenario, you’ll still be in the top 1% of the world… why is that a problem?
How is that going to make you feel in that situation?
What about your (important thing)?
What happens with that if you don’t get this solved?
Are you willing to settle for that?
Why not?
Why change?
Why not keep pushing this off? Because you could…
Why not just stay the way you are?
Do you feel like now is the time to make the change?
Why else?
So let’s just pretend (hypothetically speaking) we invite you in and help you (remove: pain: _____________________________________, pain: _____________________ & pain: _____________________) and then on top of that - we help you (get desire in their words: goal: _____________________________, goal: ______________________ & goal: ______________________)… like we have for hundreds of other (people) in your exact situation…
If you were to imagine yourself at that point - then - ultimately, what’s the goal?
And what’s your monetary goal?
You seem like you’ve thought of that number before… Can I ask, why that number?
And overall, what’s your long-term vision for your life and business?
Probing questions (again)
Now, can I ask a personal question?
And the reason why I’m asking is because my goal isn’t only to help you crush your business reputation- but also one that’s empowering you to live whatever lifestyle that you want to live - and feel happy and fulfilled while doing it.
So when you - think about that - what is that for you?
… what is it that you want?
what comes up?
What are the non-monetary goals - the personal goals - that you want your (desire in their words: __________________________________________________________) to allow you to achieve?
Why is that important? (Significant, relevant)
Ultimately, what would that do for you?
What does that mean for you specifically?
What else would you want to achieve?
What is the #1 most important thing for you to achieve?
Why is that #1?
Tell me a bit more about that…
So, to be clear, you want to (get to goal: ______________________________________________), right?
But, you’re telling me - the only thing standing in your way is this (roadblock: ___________________________________________)?
TIE DOWN DISCOVERY // 00:23Time CommitmentSo, real quick, name: ____________ - let's pretend for a moment you were to go ahead with a solution that would fix (thing they said: pain: __________________________________, pain: _______________________ & pain______________________)...
Usually for most of my clients to get to (desire in their words: goals: ______________________________), they typically need about (time commitment per week: ______). Would you be able to make that happen?
So, when would you do it, specifically?
Would it be a morning thing?
Or an evening thing?
Gotcha well I feel like we covered quite a bit of ground here…
Is there anything at all that you feel like we haven’t covered, that you feel like I need to know?
Is there anything else? Tell me…
Anything else?
Well, I can walk you through the exact process A-Z of how we’d get rid (pain: ___________________________) and get (desire: __________________________________________), but you tell me where you want to go…
That’d be great!
If wife/partner:
If you want me to walk you through it… you mentioned earlier that (wife/partner) would potentially be involved in any kind of decision making regarding a solution for (the pain: __________________________________)... what usually makes the most sense - if that's the case - is to have me walk you both through it together… Are they around right now?
If yes (or on follow up call), bring them on
What’s his/her name?
Hey (name), I was talking with your (partner/husband/wife) about some ( pain: __________________________) he/she was dealing with - were you aware of the call?
What did he/she share with you?
What do you know about me / us?
Are you aware that (name: _________________) is experiencing some ( pain: ____________________)?
Cool - are you in support of him/her solving that problem?
Great, so he/she mentioned that (summary of pains & goals: _______________________________________________________) - is there anything you feel - from your observation - that should be added to that?
(spouse name: __________________) - is that true for you?
Cool - he/she just mentioned that he/she wanted me to walk him/her through the process of how we get rid of (pain: _________________________________________________) and get (goal: ____________________________________________________) - and he/she mentioned that you may want to have a say in any decision to move forward with some kind of solution - so I figured it would make the most sense just to have you guys together for that… make sense?
Great, anything you’d like to say or ask before I share a bit about what we do?
If no…
Ok cool, so given that you mentioned your (wife/partner) would be involved if you decided to move forward with something with us… out of respect for both of you, what would probably make the most sense is to set up a quick follow up call with both of you guys together - what’s your availability like over the next day or so to reconnect for a few?
Schedule the call
Before I go, is there anything else I should know about (spouse/partner) before we chat next?
TIME CHECK // 00:26
So do you have a hard stop at any point here?
You’ll need at least 30 minutes to pitch, close, objection handle & onboard - if you and them have that time now, proceed to pitch… if not, reset and move the calendar invite
If second call:Reorient them to previous conversation…
So, did you have any thoughts or considerations since we last chatted?
You mentioned that (pains you talked about: _________________________________________________, important now, cost: ___________)... are my notes correct on that?
Is there anything else at all that you feel like we didn’t cover on our last call, that you feel like I need to know?
You mentioned you wanted me to walk you through the process of how we’d get rid of all that stuff, is that still what you’d like to do on this call?
PITCH // 00:26
Cool - so you’re going to want to grab a pen and paper - let me know when you have it…
—---- (optional ethical manipulation preframe) —-----
Great… So let me start by asking you…In your opinion, do you make better decisions drunk or sober?SoberGreat, and do you make better decisions when you’re frustrated or worried about things --- or when you’re feeling good about things?Feeling good
Exactly, so you might say, when you’re in one of those frustrated or worried states -- it’s kind of like being mentally drunk? Yep
Right, so if I gave you the absolute best “how-to” blueprints in the world, but you’re hammered drunk… would you be able to do anything with it?No
LMS pitchSee, the problem with the assumption that customers will automatically provide reviews without any proactive effort or Incentives is why old way doesn’t work… lack of motivation, busy schedules, attention span, incentivized engagement, social proof and credibility it’s like this analogy
The problem is, most small business owners thinks old belief and the assumption that customers will automatically provide reviews without any proactive effort or Incentives, but you’ve been trying that and you’re still struggling to get more positive reviews consistently.
So instead of the assumption that customers will automatically provide reviews without any proactive effort or Incentives, what we do is new way so you can why new way works… make sense?
make sense?
Phase 1 // 00:28And our first step to doing that is our first pillar - and you’ll want to write this down - Phase 1 name - charge inventory
The first step is called Phase 1 Name - Phase 1 Name
The first thing we’re going to do is (Big Idea / Result from Phase 1)
We do this by (what it is from phase 1) in a way that easily/quickly (avoids complaints or gets goals)
It’s the same (what it is from phase 1) I’ve used personally to (get phase 1 goal)
It’s also the same exact (what it is from phase 1) that all my clients use as well…
Once that’s done, you’ll have this (tangible result) so you can (get phase 1 goal)
Which will allow you to get one step closer to (Big Main Goal)
This way, you won’t have to (do old way) anymore and you won’t have to (feel unwanted feelings) anymore
Make sense?
What questions do you have on that point specifically before we move on to pillar #2?
Phase 2 // 00:30Which brings us to Pillar 2: write this down
The next step is called Phase 2 Name - Phase 2 Name
The next thing we’re going to do is (Big Idea / Result from Phase 2)
Because (Big Idea / Result from Phase 1) is one thing… but (Big Idea / Result from Phase 2) is vital if you want to get (big goal) and (secret desires)
We do this by (what it is from phase 2) in a way that easily/quickly (avoids complaints or gets goals)
It’s the same (what it is from phase 2) I’ve used personally to (get phase 2 goal)
It’s also the same exact (what it is from phase 2) that all my clients use as well…
Once that’s done, you’ll have this (tangible result) so you can (get phase 2 goal)
Which will allow you to get one step closer to (Big Main Goal)
This way, you won’t have to (do old way) anymore and you won’t have to (feel unwanted feelings) anymore
Make sense?
What questions do you have on that pillar specifically before we move on to pillar #3?
Phase 3 // 00:32The final step is called Phase 3 - write this down - Phase 3 Name
The next thing we’re going to do is (Big Idea / Result from Phase 3)
Because while (Big Idea / Result from Phase1 & 2) are vital… (Big Idea / Result from Phase 3) is vital if you want to get (big goal) and (secret desires) in (time frame)
We do this by (what it is from phase 3) in a way that easily/quickly (avoids complaints or gets goals)
It’s the exact same (what it is from phase 3) I’ve used personally to (get phase 3 goal)
It’s also the same exact (what it is from phase 3) that all my clients use as well…
Once that’s done, you’ll have this (tangible result) so you can (get phase 3 goal)
Which will allow you to finally get (Big Main Goal) in (time frame)
And remember, that’s all without (old way) and (feel unwanted feelings) anymore
Make sense?
Just curious but in terms of the process specifically… how do you feel?
Do you feel like these 4 steps specifically can help you eliminate pain and get goal?
Hold up… what makes you say that? What makes you so certain? (be skeptical)
(Certain answer + certain tonality = move on)
(Uncertain answer and/or uncertainty tonality = alignment bit)
I hear ya and just to be totally clear… what’s really important to me is ALIGNMENT - when you come in and work with us, we’re rolling up our sleeves and getting in the trenches with you on this thing. I mean our team is ALL IN - so it’s really important to us that you feel GOOD about the process, know what I mean?
So just to be 100% clear.. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being “definitely not what I need” and 10 being “exactly what I need”, where do you feel like you fall exactly?
(if 9-10 + certain language/tonality = move on)
Gotcha, why not a 5? Why a 10?
(if 8 or below = ask the following: “Gotcha man, and I appreciate you being honest about that… just curious, what exactly do you think is keeping you from say being a 8, 9, or 10?
(Then handle objection /// ask clarifying questions)
*You’re saying you’re a 10/10 but just (hearing in your voice) it seems like you’re a 1/10… is there a thought that you had?
What additional questions do you have?
(if necessary) Gotcha so you feel good, you have no questions… so what’s next?
Where do you feel like you wanna go from here?
In terms of how this is all fulfilled, everything is all customized.
So, once you enroll...
I’m going to do this…You’l get that…Then this is going to happen…You’ll get this type of support…Etc.
— Examples —
I’m going to send you your client agreement - once you sign that it’ll automatically enroll you in everything
You’ll get immediate access to the training platform, the software, tools & processes will be something you will have lifetime access to so that you can maintain your bulletproof state long term.
I’m then going to send you our onboarding form. This is the most important part of this process.
As soon as you fill that out and submit it, you’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll book your kickoff call with our head coach - he has gone through over 400 hours of training on our process - and he’ll take you through your charge list - you’ll refine it together and solidify your game plan.
From there, you clear your first charge and you’re off to the races!
We will also meet twice a week on zoom for a “ clinic” where we’ll really “cement everything in”.
You and our other 6, 7 & 8-figure students also share daily charges cleared, insights & wins inside our extremely active facebook community
And on top of that you’ll have 1o1 access to our head coach through direct message, so that we can coach you on the spot if you need help with anything.
Make sense?
What questions do you have on the deliverables, specifically?
Great, so what other questions do you have?
it’s just $X,000